“When you learn, teach. When you get, give.”

Maya Angelou

Ginevra Campanella Ginevra Campanella

Benefits of Pranayama

Did you know that you can improve your life thanks to the benefits of Pranayama? How? Well you just need to breathe. When we talk about the care of the body and mind, the first thing that comes to mind is a healthy diet and physical activity. Unfortunately, we never mention the most important nourishment for body and mind: breathing.

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Ginevra Campanella Ginevra Campanella


In this article we will discover the "5 yes of yoga" which are the niyamas. The niyamas are personal observances that serve to regulate one's discipline both physically and spiritually.

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Ginevra Campanella Ginevra Campanella


In the second chapter of the Yoga Sutras (Sadhana Pada), Patanjali talks about yoga’s foundations. The basic foundations are the ten principles called: yamas and niyamas. In this article we will focus on the Yamas, which is the first of the eight branches of ashtanga yoga.

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Ginevra Campanella Ginevra Campanella

8 Limbs of Ashtanga Yoga

Very often when people talk about Ashtanga Yoga there is confusion. With Ashtanga Yoga, we refer to the eight aspects/stages of classical yoga set forth in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras.

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